About Us

Our Mission

To create welcoming communities of support for everyone currently living with cancer—adults, teens, and children —along with their families and friends.

Our Philosophy

Our Clubhouse members are the experts, and Our Clubhouse is the place where they can share wisdom, experiences, laughter and tears. Staff and volunteers create an environment that encourages and invites members to come together and learn from one another on how best to live with cancer, no matter the outcome.

Our History

Our Clubhouse, formerly known as Gilda’s Club Western Pennsylvania, was founded in honor of Saturday Night Live comedian, Gilda Radner, who died of ovarian cancer. In 2014, Our Clubhouse became an independent nonprofit in order to remain focused on our mission to offer social, emotional and wellness support to those in our region touched by cancer. Since our opening in June 2006, Our Clubhouse has welcomed more than 3,000 members.