Living Life Post Cancer Treatment

Adjusting to Life After Cancer
Developed by Our Clubhouse, LLPCT is a nine-week program for adults who have completed cancer treatment in the last two years. Participants will learn strategies for regaining energy and motivation through exercise and diet, talking with their medical team, and communicating with others. The program covers separate topics that help bridge the gap between cancer treatment and life following cancer. Each class is 2.5 hours and offers 30 minutes of exercise, a light meal, and a presentation from experts. This workshop has earned the Oncology Nursing Society's Seal of Approval. Email Colleen Dwyer or call 412-338-1919 to register and learn more.

Scheduled 2019 LLPCT Programs

Location Dates Time
UPMC Cranberry Passavant Wednesdays, September 11 - October 30 6-8:30 pm
UPMC East Tuesdays, September 17 - November 5 6-8:30 pm

AHN Jefferson Hospital

Wednesdays, September 25 - November 13 6-8:30 pm

LLPCT Topics Covered

Develop Your Own Customized Exercise Plan with an Exercise Specialist

Learn How to Monitor Your Health Status and how to communicate with and request information from your medical care team

Work One-on-One with a Dietitian to create your own nutrition plan, complete with meal and snack ideas

Learn Relaxation Techniques like mindfulness and guided imagery

Connect with Others who are also seeking how to move forward after cancer

Gain Communication Skills so you can express your needs to caregivers and those who offer assistance